Category Archives: Essential Oils

Homemade Makeup Removing Face Wipes

Using face wipes to take off your makeup is certainly convenient, but these wipes can be quite expensive. Save money while pampering your skin by making your own all-natural DIY face wipes.

You’ll need:

  • 3 ½ cups warm distilled or bottled water
  • 2 tablespoons coconut coil
  • 2 squirts liquid castile soap
  • 5 drops melaleuca/tea tree essential oil (to inhibit mold growth)
  • Plastic container with a tight fitting lid, such as an old baby wipes container
  • Soft washcloths or old t-shirts cut into squares

To make your wipes, place your washcloths or t-shirt squares into the plastic box. Add coconut oil, castile soap, and tea tree oil to the warm water. Mix well, then pour the solution over your washcloths or t-shirt squares.

These wipes do a great job of taking off my makeup, including mascara. However, you do need to be carefully that you use them up within two to three weeks. If they sit for too long, mold growth may be a problem.

If you don’t want to go through the trouble of making cloth wipes, you can use the same recipe to turn paper towels into makeup remover wipes. Just cut the roll of towels in half with a sturdy kitchen knife before soaking them in the cleaning solution.

[Photo credit: Natasha via Flickr]

Essential Oils as a Natural Headache Remedy

If you suffer from chronic headaches, you’re probably well aware of how annoying they can be. Headache triggers vary from person to person, but stress and PMS tend to result the most problems for me. I have prescription medication from my doctor, but it has some undesirable side effects that have left me searching for natural remedies.

One thing that has personally been helpful in reducing the severity of my pain is the use of essential oils. Here’s some of the most common oils used to treat headache pain.

  • Lavender: Lavender is one of the most versatile essential oils. The oil has natural sedative properties, which is why it’s commonly used at night to promote a more restful sleep.
  • Peppermint: Peppermint helps open and close the vessels that promote blood flow, while helping to clear the sinuses. This oil is especially useful for tension headaches.
  • Basil: Basil works to relax tension and tight muscles.
  • Rosemary: This essential oil is a central nervous system stimulant, which increases beta waves in the brain. However, pregnant women should be cautious when using rosemary because it may cause convulsions or even miscarriage in large doses.
  • Spearmint: Spearmint oil offers many of the same benefits as peppermint oil, but many people prefer the more mild scent.
  • Eucalyptus: Eucalyptus oil helps clear the sinuses and acts as a natural anti-inflammatory.

Essential oils can be inhaled using a diffuser or you can dilute them in a carrier oil such as sweet almond oil or fractionated coconut oil for massage purposes. When diluting the oils, use 15 drops per ounce of carrier oil for a 2.5% dilution rate. Massage a small amount of the oil blend onto your temples, forehead, and the back of the neck as needed, starting as soon as you feel a headache coming on.

[Photo credit: Mislav Marohnić via Flickr]